Super Bee


Create a new version of a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, showcasing a hornet resting on a bright yellow sunflower petal. The focus should be on the hornet, capturing its detailed texture and form with intense clarity. The image should highlight the hornet's sleek body and precise features. The background is composed of soft blue hues, offering a serene contrast to the vibrant yellow of the sunflower, achieved through a very shallow depth of field for a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is gentle and diffused, enveloping the scene in a peaceful, ethereal ambiance. The hornet is strategically positioned in the lower third of the frame, ensuring the viewer's attention is drawn to the extraordinary details of its appearance.

Dragon Fly

Create an extreme close-up super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, focusing on the left eye of a dragonfly. The image should capture the dragonfly's eye with intense magnification, showcasing the extreme details, textures, and structure with exceptional clarity. The eye should be the central feature of the composition, with a minimal background of soft blue hues, achieved by a very shallow depth of field for a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting should be soft and diffuse, casting an ethereal glow and emphasizing the intricate details of the dragonfly's eye, positioned in the lower third of the frame for a striking visual effect.

Hornet Eyes

Create a new version of a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, with a close-up on a hornet resting on a vibrant green leaf. The focus is intense on the hornet's eyes, capturing their intricate texture and structure with exceptional clarity. The image should emphasize the detailed and complex features of the hornet's eyes. The background consists of soft green hues, offering a harmonious contrast with the leaf and achieved by a very shallow depth of field, creating a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is soft and diffuse, enveloping the scene in a calm, ethereal light. The hornet is strategically placed in the lower third of the composition, ensuring the viewer's attention is captivated by the extraordinary details of its eyes and overall form.

Macro Bee

Create a super macro photograph that captures a bumblebee on a lavender flower in stunning detail. The focus is extremely sharp on the bee's eyes and the texture of its fur, showing every fine hair and facet. The background consists of soft purple hues that complement the lavender, created by a very shallow depth of field that turns the surroundings into a creamy bokeh. The lighting is gentle and diffused, enveloping the scene in a serene and ethereal glow. The composition places the bee in the lower third of the frame, making the image visually compelling and drawing the viewer's eye directly to the minute details of the bee's features.

Lady Bug

Create a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio that highlights a ladybug on a bright yellow sunflower petal. The focus is intensely sharp on the ladybug's distinctive spots and delicate limbs, emphasizing every small detail. The background is filled with soft blue hues that provide a calm contrast to the vibrant yellow of the sunflower, with a depth of field so shallow that it produces a silky bokeh effect. The light is gentle and diffused, wrapping the scene in a serene and ethereal glow. The ladybug is carefully positioned in the lower third of the frame, forming an engaging composition that draws the viewer's attention to the exquisite details of the ladybug's form.

A buttery Butterfly

Create a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, capturing a butterfly in extraordinary detail. The focus is extremely sharp on the butterfly's eyes, showcasing their intricate structure and vibrant color. The background should have soft natural hues that complement the butterfly, achieved with a very shallow depth of field for a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is gentle and diffused, giving the scene a serene and ethereal glow. The composition should place the butterfly in a way that emphasizes its visual appeal, drawing the viewer’s eye to the minute details of its features.

Lady Bug

Create a new version of a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, focusing on a ladybug resting on a bright yellow sunflower petal. The image should capture the ladybug with intense clarity, highlighting its spotted back and delicate legs in great detail. The background should be a blend of soft blue hues, creating a soothing contrast to the yellow of the sunflower. This effect is achieved through a very shallow depth of field, resulting in a smooth, creamy bokeh. The lighting is soft and diffuse, casting a peaceful and otherworldly glow on the scene. The composition places the ladybug in the lower third of the frame, drawing the viewer's eye to the remarkable details of the ladybug's appearance.


Create a new version of a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, featuring a hornet resting on a vibrant green leaf. The image should focus intensely on the hornet, capturing its detailed texture and form with exceptional clarity, emphasizing the sleek body and precise features of the hornet. The background should be composed of soft green hues, creating a harmonious contrast with the leaf and achieved through a very shallow depth of field, resulting in a smooth, creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is soft and diffused, casting the scene in a tranquil, otherworldly glow. The hornet is carefully positioned in the lower third of the frame, drawing the viewer's eye to the remarkable details of its form.

Lady Bug

Create a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, focusing extremely closely on the eye of a ladybug. The image should capture the eye with intense magnification, highlighting its intricate texture and structure with exceptional clarity. The eye detail should dominate most of the frame, emphasizing the complex features of the ladybug's eye. The background should be minimal with subtle hints of green, achieved by a very shallow depth of field, resulting in a smooth, creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is soft and diffuse, casting the scene in a calm, ethereal light. The focus on the ladybug's eye should be so intense that it becomes the central point of interest, with minimal color distractions.

Extreme Lady bug

Create an extreme close-up in a 16:9 ratio, focusing solely on the left eye of a ladybug. The image should capture the eye with unparalleled magnification, revealing the ultra-fine details and intricate texture of the ladybug's eye. The extreme close-up should emphasize the complex structure of the eye, making it the dominant feature of the image. The background should be minimal, with only subtle hints of soft blue hues, achieved through a very shallow depth of field, resulting in a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is soft and diffuse, highlighting the details of the eye and casting a calm, ethereal glow on the scene. The intense focus on the ladybug's left eye should create a captivating and detailed visual experience.

Buggy Eyes

Create an extreme close-up in a 16:9 ratio, focusing solely on the left eye of a ladybug. The image should capture the eye with unparalleled magnification, revealing the ultra-fine details and intricate texture of the ladybug's eye. The extreme close-up should emphasize the complex structure of the eye, making it the dominant feature of the image. The background should be minimal, with only subtle hints of soft blue hues, achieved through a very shallow depth of field, resulting in a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is soft and diffuse, highlighting the details of the eye and casting a calm, ethereal glow on the scene. The intense focus on the ladybug's left eye should create a captivating and detailed visual experience.


Create a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio that captures a dragonfly perched delicately on the petals of a vibrant red rose. The focus should be extraordinarily sharp on the dragonfly's complex eyes and the elegant structure of its wings, where each vein is distinct and clear. The background blends into a tapestry of soft green hues that set off the red of the rose, with a depth of field so shallow that it creates a creamy, dreamlike bokeh. The lighting is gentle and subdued, casting the scene in a calm, ethereal light. The dragonfly is thoughtfully placed in the lower third of the frame, ensuring the viewer's gaze is immediately drawn to the stunning detail of its anatomy.

A big Softy

Create a super macro photograph that captures a bumblebee on a lavender flower in stunning detail. The focus is extremely sharp on the bee's eyes and the texture of its fur, showing every fine hair and facet. The background consists of soft purple hues that complement the lavender, created by a very shallow depth of field that turns the surroundings into a creamy bokeh. The lighting is gentle and diffused, enveloping the scene in a serene and ethereal glow. The composition places the bee in the lower third of the frame, making the image visually compelling and drawing the viewer's eye directly to the minute details of the bee's features.

Bumble Beauty

Create a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio that captures a bumblebee on a vibrant daisy flower in stunning detail, maintaining the style of the previous image. The focus is extremely sharp on the bee's eyes and the texture of its fur, showcasing every fine hair and facet. The background consists of soft oranges and red hues to complement the white and yellow of the daisy, with a very shallow depth of field creating a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is gentle and diffused, enveloping the scene in a serene and ethereal glow. The bee is placed in the lower third of the frame, emphasizing the image's visual appeal and drawing the viewer's eye to the minute details of the bee's features.

Blue, Cue, New

Create a super macro photograph in a 16:9 ratio, capturing a dragonfly in extraordinary detail. The focus is extremely sharp on the dragonfly's compound eyes, showcasing their intricate structure and vibrant color. The background consists of soft natural hues that complement the dragonfly, with a very shallow depth of field creating a creamy bokeh effect. The lighting is gentle and diffused, enveloping the scene in a serene and ethereal glow. The composition places the dragonfly in a way that emphasizes its visual appeal and draws the viewer's eye to the minute details of its features.